See what these are? No, not the weeds. They're raindrops! We actually had a whole day full of drizzles all the way to full rain (not Virginia rain, but pretty good for what I've seen here so far). Very exciting. My weeds will be thrilled, and maybe my grass will turn green! We needed the water, so this was a good thing. And, really, there's just something special about the sounds and smells of a spring rain. They are so refreshing and absolving, in a way. They are definitely one of my favorite smells.
I love my cookbook!
If only they maintained this look of perfection out of the oven...
What could be happier than cookies?! I had some leftover egg whites from earlier in the week which I had the foresight to put in a jar and keep, so last night, we had a lovely dozen or so meringue kisses! So good. Technically, you're supposed to bake them at a very low heat and then leave them in the oven for something like five hours until they cool, but since I didn't even get started until 4:30, that wasn't going to happen. I baked them at a high heat, took them out, baked my biscuits, and then put the cookies back in the turned-off oven to sit while we ate dinner. Not quite what the recipe called for, and probably the cause of the deflation, but you know what? They were great! Crispy on the outside and like marshmallows on the inside. I actually like them crispier, but the Husband said that if they were just a bit gooier they'd be perfect. So, accident or not, I guess it was a good thing they came out like they did! He ate half the batch...I demolished the other half. There were two left over. By breakfast they were not left over anymore; after all, it's just egg whites ;)
This, people, is a miracle. Don't you see how organized all my salad ingredients are? Quite a miracle, so much so that I thought it was rather entertaining, and filed it here under "funny."
The funny thing was, after I put together this absolutely restaurant-worthy barbecue salad (perfectly arranged salad, all pretty, with fried chicken tossed in bbq sauce on top), my husband sits down to dinner and looks at it quizzically. Now, being that he is a born and bred Texan, I kind of assumed that nothing barbecue would be foreign. Well, wrongo because he poked at the ensemble and said, "What's this? *pause* Am I supposed to eat the chicken with it?"
I thought he was joking, and told him that duh, it's a bbq salad, like at Chilis or any other restaurant in the country. His head was shaking nooooooooo, and the look said that he considered this to be one of my "exotic" dishes. I don't cook exotic; no one has ever, ever, accused me of that. But to him, my cooking is downright exotic. So, I told him to stop arguing, eat his veggies, and say thank you. And then I showed him a thing or two by pulling up a google images page full of barbecue salads. So there - HA!
Why I thought the man would have ventured into restaurant salad menus, however, I'm not sure.
This is my project. It's been a project for a while. At some point in the future, it will be a guestroom/sewing room/office. Mainly a sewing room/office until we have a baby and need the back bedroom, at which point the guest bed will move out here. Good thing I'm not pregnant yet, because this project is moving slower than molasses in Alaska. But despite that, it's good to have ongoing projects. Soothes the soul, in a strange way.
Speaking of the guest bed, my mom is coming to visit us tomorrow, and I still haven't made the bed. I did, however, clean the bathroom and if we're being honest, that's what counts the most!
What a great cookbook! It looks well loved.
The meringues look sooo good!
It is! My grandma have it to my mom and then, after replacing the nearly-gone cover, she gave it to me. It's a fun hand me down :)
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